Sidoarjo –
The perpetrator of the murder of EK (26), a woman who opened BO at the Sidoarjo boarding house was caught. The perpetrator was caught in Ponorogo.
The attacker was Rudi K (19), a resident of Sumber Rejeki village, Bandar Mataram, Lampung. The attacker is a construction worker.
“The perpetrator was arrested at his relative’s house in the Ponorogo area,” Sidoarjo Police Chief Kombes Kusumo Wahyu Bintaro said at the Sidoarjo Police Headquarters on Tuesday (12/27/2022). .
Kusumo said the perpetrator ran away immediately after doing his deeds. The attacker was caught on Monday (26/12) at around 19:10 WIB at his relative’s house in Cepoko village, Ngrayun, Ponorogo.
Kusumo explained that the perpetrator fled with 3 cell phones and 1 necklace belonging to the victim.
“The perpetrators are charged under Article 338 of the Criminal Code and Article 365 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code with the threat of 15 years in prison,” Kusumo said.
A Surabaya woman with initials EK (26) was shot dead in her guest house at Buntut Hamlet, Mojoruntut Village, Krembung, Sidoarjo on Saturday (24/12). She was found naked, tied up and covered by a towel in her boarding room. The woman was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital.
It later turned out that before the woman was found, she conducted an Open BO through the MiChat application. He had been providing sexual services until he was finally found impotent in his room.
Watch a video “Confession of a shocked young man from a Begal at the BKT who turns out to be a victim of Open BO“
[Gambas:Video 20detik]