landed gold prices In today’s evening trading, Monday December 26, 2022, it touched levels below 1,600 pounds per gram of 21-carat gold, which is the best-selling in Egypt, registering 1,598 pounds per gram, for the first time since the beginning of this December, in amid great economic optimism following the announcement of commodity clearing facilities and a significant drop in dollar prices in the parallel market, as well as an increase in the supply of gold in the markets due to the cessation of speculation.
and decline gold prices At a value of £12 a moment ago, with a significant increase in gold supply in the markets and a decrease in demand after the recent Central Bank decisions to raise interest rates by 3%, as gold prices in the transactions have seen a drop of about 42 pounds per gram more than once.
Gold prices today:
18 karat registered 1370 pounds.
21 carats, a record 1598 lbs.
24 carats, a record 1829 pounds.
The gold pound is £12,784.
The gold market is now seeing a large supply of gold amid reluctance to buy due to rising interest rates on the pound, which has contributed greatly to the decline in the price of gold over the past four days, bringing the value total of the drop in the price of gold to £152, while the price of an gram of gold carats has decreased.21 From £1750 per gram to £1598 per gram, amid gold market followers’ expectations of a further decline in the coming hours, coinciding with the continued availability of more gold supply.
The market was down around 42 pounds per gram on Monday, due to supply and demand factors following the Central Bank’s interest hike decisions, which had a positive effect on the markets and there was a state of calm and reassurance , and gold speculation stopped.