The 100×100 line swept the municipal elections The line with 21 directors, more than absolute majority in a corporation made up of 25 builders. The PSOE adds three minutes, while the PP has only one councilor left. The rest of the formations do not have sufficient votes to be able to enter the City Council.
It was precisely your partner in the government who was the great victim of these elections. The training that leads Juan Pablo Arriaga it foundered and got only one representative after four years integrated into the government team. The landslide victory also claimed the PSOE as a victim Juan Chacon, which of the nine directors he got in 2015, he’s down to three. Furthermore, Ángel Villar loses his role as adviser in the post-Andalusian era.
The 21 councilors of La Línea give local training a fundamental role in the Common of the Municipalities of the Campo de Gibraltar and also give him two armchairs in the Provincial Council of Cadiz with which the voice of La Línea must now have more weight in the province.
Already the first data of the ballot foreshadowed the overwhelming victory of the candidacy led by Juan Franco. with only the 10% of votes counted, the 100×100 Line already had it 19 advisers and in the municipal arc he was accompanied only by PSOE and PP. As more data was released, the victory became more palpable. Around midnight more than one stopped rubbing their eyes because Juan Franco’s great triumph was already a reality.
The general election results favored the PSOE extensionwhich he won in La Línea, where they also gained widespread support Citizens and Vox, all in front of the People’s Party. However, the figure of Juan Franco has managed to prevail over the big national parties. Cs remained with 2.51% of the vote and Vox reached 3.16%.
Juan Pablo Arriaga, candidate of the PP, expressed on his Facebook profile his “Congratulations to La Línea 100×100 and especially to Juan Franco. The people are sovereign and he wanted it that way”.
Election trip
In the municipal elections of 2019 in The line of conception this sunday they have a census of voters from 49,113 neighbors, of which 423 foreign voters. This May 26, attendance at the commune at 18:00 was 37.09%. In the previous elections, those of 2015, 22,312 voted out of a total of 49,177 eligible (45.37%).
In La Línea, the political options are ocho: PSOE, La Línea 100×100, Partido Popular, Entre Todos Andalucía Por Sí, Adelante La Línea, Ciudadanos, Vox and GIL. In total, the Corporation will have 25 advisers as it is a municipality with more than 50,000 inhabitants.
Municipal elections were held in 2015 The line the surprise of the irruption of 100×100 as the second most voted force in the first elections in which it participated among the six nominations presented. With 6,850 votes(30.96%), the localist formation obtained the same number of councilors as the PSOE, which obtained 7,555 votes (34.15%), only 705 more compared to the new lineup.
The great victim was the Popular Partypassed from 11 directors to five with 4,519 votes (20,425). United Leftwith 1,420 votes (6.42%) and Andalusian Partywith 1,157 (5.23%) each getting a mayor. UPyD it was excluded from the municipal arc obtaining only the support of 368 residents (1,665).
With a company formed by 25 advisers, La Línea 100×100 obtained the support of the PP and of Ceferina Peño, who, after disagreements with her party, IU, due to her vote in favor of the investiture of Juan Franco as mayor, ended up dissociating from the formation. The two formations and the non-registered mayor formed a government team with 15 councilors, who granted them the absolute majority.
The participation was quite lowwhen 22,312 people voted (45.37%) of the 49,177 entitled. In 2011, the percentage of voters was slightly higher, at 52.59%.