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DKPP checks Asusila KPU chairman’s allegation of Hasnaeni ‘Golden Woman’


KPU president Hasyim Asy’ari was reported to the Election Organizer Ethics Council (DKPP) for alleged asusia. DKPP said it was preparing the report.

“Still under material verification,” said DKPP chair Heddy Lugito, when contacted on Saturday (24/12/2022).

Heddy did not explain the process further. Including the question of when verification is completed.

However, according to the DKPP regulation number 3 of 2017 on the guidelines for the code of ethics of the general organizer of the elections. However, material verification is said to occur after passing the administrative verification.

The issue of physical verification is governed by Article 17 PDKP. The following is written in the article.

Article 17

(1) Complaints and/or reports that have passed the administrative check in accordance with Article 5, Article 6 and Article 7 are subject to material verification by the DKPP.

(2) The physical verification referred to in paragraph (1) serves to determine the feasibility of the complaints and/or reports for prosecution.

(3) In the event that the material verification states that the complaint and/or report does not meet the requirements for the process, the DKPP shall inform the complainant and/or complainant and be given the opportunity to complete it.

(4) The Complainant and/or Reporter must complete or correct the Complaint and/or Report within a maximum period of 7 (seven) Days after receiving
notification under paragraph (3).

(5) In the event that the Complainant and/or the Complainant fail to complete and/or correct it within the period referred to in paragraph (4), the Complaint and/or Report will be withdrawn and may be re-submitted as a new Complaint and/or Report.

Farhat Abbas reports KPU chief to DKPP

This was reported by the Movement Against Political Genocide (GMPG), made up of 9 parties KPU president RI Hasyim Asy’ari at the Election Organizer’s Ethics Council (DKPP). GMPG has exposed an alleged violation of ethics by the president of the Indonesian KPU.

“On 22 December, this afternoon to be precise, he made a report on immorality and ethics, right to the DKPP as the body that has the duty to process existing ethical violations, for the election organizers of KPU and Bawaslu” GMPG lawyer Farhat Abbas told the DKPP office, Central Jakarta on Thursday (22/12).

The 9 parties are known to include Mighty Party, Masyumi Party, Smart Party, Nation Unity Party, Sovereignty Party, Reform Party, Prima Party, Berkarya Party, Republican Party One. In the report, Farhat said he brought some evidence.

“The evidence that was brought was testimony, then in the form of video recordings, then evidence of WhatsApp communication and photos of buying a ticket to Yogyakarta, then photos of being together and so on,” he said.

The answer of the KPU president

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy’ari was reluctant to respond when asked about the alleged sexual harassment report. He followed up on the progress of the complaint report to DKPP.

“We are following the progress of the complaint to the DKPP,” he told reporters on Thursday (22/12).


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