we have the ability toturn to both sides.5:15.we continue with ás and we leavewith the guardians of time,today is a very important daybe in contact withyou guys,how is the situation at thisNow?stephanie: this system is like thataffecting our area in yourstotality, the solid frontis dragging hot air,we have seen a drastic changetemperatures, from yesterday towhen we were 35,right now the thermometer isclose to 55, this cold frontis on its way to againchange the landscape and howyou see behind there is snow,so it is not excludedpossible a littleaccumulation during the lastdownpours affecting all fivecounties and Westchester too,long island.the temperature 56 in largepart, 57 in plain white.let’s go to what concerns usthe rain, a respite between the6:00 and more or less10:30, here comes one last oneround of rain that could bestrong in localized areas ewith the cold front that snowsbriefly around noonuntil about 1pmsurroundings, giving us drinkswhich could accumulate but fornow we don’t expect so muchaccumulation.values have droppedlittle compared to yesterday and thewind is a major factorby this storm, we arespeak fluently around 50miles per hour, those aredangerous winds and iánslightly decreasing in intensityduring the day but still
Rain and strong winds, the weather forecast for Friday morning in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV
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