Created in 2014 by Yoane Pavadé, Saïdou Bernabé and Gérard Sooprayen, Parallel 14 is a high school of animation, special effects and video games.
Skills highlighted
At the end of the year, the 7 students of the 5th promotion of Parallel 14 received their diploma at a ceremony which took place at the Lumina tower in Fort-de-France in front of 70 guests.
Damien Brenoc, Arthur Ferreol, Lorygan Kana, Handy Lina, Arno MitH, Raphaël Relouzat and Vianney Vives have just graduated in “3D Animation Designer – VFX and Video Games”.
This prize-giving evening was also an opportunity for the students to present the fruit of their work. Namely the film project they worked on together. This is a 7-minute short film titled “Kurosan” which tells the story of an Afro-Japanese samurai. This film was also produced in collaboration with Japan, whose team worked on the sound part of the short film.
“Kurosan” highlights the technical developments of the industry in terms of digital creation and above all testifies to the skills acquired by the students of this class of 2022. 3D modeling, character models, various illustrations, it is a quality film that has been presented to the guests .
You know, our children choose a profession, they dedicate time to it, they work, they change, they adopt a new language, but in this more specific area, sometimes it’s a bit vague for us. Tonight I see what my son and our children can do. And I and his mother are proud, testifies a parent of a student.
This film, everyone will undoubtedly have the opportunity to discover it on the small screen. In any case, this is the announcement made by Nancy Phéron of the Canal + group.