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Peter Gillis receives another pants penalty

Once again the Oostappen Group were assessed a penalty by Peter Gillis. This time from the municipality of Valkenswaard, according to a letter in the hand of Omroep Brabant. Three other municipalities have already preceded Valkenswaard, the fines are now in the millions.

In several municipalities, the entrepreneur of the holiday parks is at odds with the local government. The municipality of Loon op Zand, Peel en Maas and Asten already wants a total of 2 million euros from him due to the illegal accommodation of migrant workers. The municipality of Asten recently threatened another fine because fire safety in the Prinsenmeer park is not in order.

And now Valkenswaard is also imposing a fine for the unlawful occupation of chalets in the park. The letter in which this was communicated to Gillis earlier this month is in the hands of Omroep Brabant. The reports of two site inspections were also viewed.

Migrant workers and cleaners
This is the Brugse Heide holiday park, located south of Valkenswaard. On March 26 and September 22 of this year, council supervisors carried out unannounced checks on this park.

Foreigners who clearly weren’t on holiday were found in dozens of chalets. They are taken to work every day in the vans of an employment agency, Jupiter. For example, at the packaging company Scherpenhuizen in Eindhoven. Inspectors also found people in the chalets who turned out to be working as cleaners on the Prinsenmeer park in Asten, also by Oostappen.

Gasp and gasp
Rent from migrant workers’ chalets is deducted from their wages by Jupiter, according to the inspection report. The cleaners of the Prinsenmeer park did not have to pay the rent. It is therefore clear to the municipality that it is an illegal residence.

The supervisors also see how an employee of the employment agency scares migrants, they write in the report. He addressed the chalet residents “hardly and in their own language”: “We couldn’t understand what exactly he was saying, but we saw that the people present were shocked and turned away from him.”

Well up to a ton
All this means that the municipality has decided to impose a fine. After January 31, Oostappen can be fined €10,000 each time a violation is detected, with a maximum of €100,000. Oostappen has four weeks to appeal the decision.

These penalties are also still pending against the Oostappen group:

  • 500,000 euros Municipality of Loon op Zand
  • €500,000 City of Asten (possibly another fine if fire safety does not improve)
  • 1,000,000 euros Municipality of Peel en Maas


Gillis-park Prinsenmeer has no fire safety in order – the fine is imminent

The network closes on Peter Gillis: 2 million fine and no permits

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