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Discover the best foods that are beneficial to kidney health and protect them from chronic disease

Al-Marsad Newspaper: CNET reported that approximately one in 7 American adults suffer from chronic kidney disease, which can cause waste and fluid buildup in the body. Even worse, most people with CKD don’t know they have it. Some of the best foods for kidney health include:

1-Fatty fish: Fish provides protein and when you choose fatty fish like tuna or salmon, you also get omega-3 fatty acids.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, omega-3 fats can help lower blood lipid (triglyceride) levels and may also lower blood pressure.

If you have chronic kidney disease, you may need to monitor the levels of phosphorus and potassium in the fish you choose.

2- Bell pepper: Bell pepper contains many good nutrients, with low levels of potassium, and bell pepper is an important source of vitamins B6, B9, C, K as well as fiber and antioxidants.

3- Dark Leafy Greens: There are many reasons to switch to dark leafy greens like spinach or kale, as they provide many nutrients that can help you get essential vitamins and minerals, as well as immune-boosting benefits.

At the same time, it is important to be careful, as these vegetables contain a certain amount of potassium. If you have chronic kidney disease, talk to your doctor before adding any more to your diet.

4_ Olive oil: A study by Harvard University found that olive oil can lower cholesterol levels, the risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia and some types of cancer.

Plus, it can help you flavor dishes without resorting to salt or butter.

For even more antioxidants, choose unrefined or cold-pressed virgin or extra virgin olive oil.

5- Garlic: Garlic also contains an ingredient called “alicin,” which works to help protect kidney health, for people with chronic kidney disease. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

6- Onions: Onions are another excellent, salt-free way to add flavor. They provide important nutrients such as vitamins B6 and C, manganese and copper. They also contain quercetin, a chemical that can help your body fight cancer, and organic sulfur compounds that can kill cancer. It reduces the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.

7. Cauliflower: Cauliflower is high in vitamins C, B6, B9, and K. Along with fiber, it also contains compounds your body can use to neutralize certain toxins, which helps when your kidneys aren’t doing the best job of filtering .

8-Egg whites: it is recommended to eat egg whites specifically for people with kidney problems.

Egg whites help raise protein levels, which can be important in late-stage CKD, especially if you’re on dialysis.

9- Watercress: Watercress is full of nutrients your body needs, such as magnesium, iron, calcium and vitamins A, B9 and C. It is also rich in antioxidants and contains glucosinolates, which can help your body protect itself from a variety of cancers.

10- Apples: Apples provide quercetin, a cancer-fighting fiber, which can help keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels at healthy levels.

11- Cranberries: Cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections, which usually stay in the bladder, but can travel to the kidneys, which aggravates kidney problems.

Fortunately, eating cranberries regularly can help you avoid this unwanted situation, as they contain antioxidants that can help fight inflammation.

12- Blueberries: Blueberries are the best, with high levels of antioxidants and high amounts of vitamin C and fiber. Blueberries also help reduce inflammation, support bone health, and reverse some of the problems that can result from kidney disease chronic.

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