Tackling the energy crisis
Concerned about the purchasing power of Montluçonnaises and Montluçonnais e
in a context of sharp increase in energy prices, the municipality has
he wished to support workers with the lowest incomes.
The Municipality is in fact establishing for 2023 an aid of 100 euros intended to take
pay part of your energy bills.
It can be combined with the State Energy Voucher, this aid will be disbursed in accordance with the law
resource conditions and limits.
The request for assistance can be submitted on paper or electronically by
From 16 January to 17 March 2023.
Eligibility conditions:
- Reside for more than 2 months in Montluçon and regularly on French territory in case of foreign nationality outside the European Union.
- Not be accompanied by the Fonds de Solidarité Logement, heating aid from the CCAS and optional financial aid from the CCAS (aid linked to the particular situation of the family and paid in exchange for social monitoring and can be more than 100 €).
The aid will be paid to people who do not exceed the following annual resource ceilings:
- €18,000 for a single person
- €27,000 for a couple
- €30,000 for a couple with a minor child
- €34,200 for a couple with 2 or more minor children
The aid will be paid once per household and per domicile to the beneficiary’s bank account within 30 days of acceptance of the request. The bank account must be domiciled in France.
Learn more about: www.montlucon.com