According to a survey by “Figaro”, future school teachers would be marked by “obvious weaknesses” in their command of the French language.

© Richard Villalon / MAXPPP / BELPRESS/MAXPPP
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“ORhas reached a point of no return. In an article posted by our colleagues from FigaroAcademy juries are concerned about the French proficiency level of applicants for teacher competitions, whose entries are about to expire. While applicants are expected to be responsible for teaching the language to children, they do not appear to have mastered some fundamentals of Molière’s language.
The jury of the Aix-Marseille Academy points out, for example, that “a recurring and worrying mistake for future teachers is the confusion between the imperfect and the present tense. ” Singing ” and ” stuttering ” have often been analyzed as being conjugated at the same time ”, she points out.
For its part, the jury of the Amiens Academy is concerned about “many imaginative interpretations” of the word “wobbly”: “who sings well, lucky, who makes magic, not wise, who generates light”, is according …
Some candidates are unable to identify a verb in a sentence
As for the Lille academy, it regrets that the students – who still have a bac +5 level – have neglected grammar and conjugations. In particular, they indicate “confusions between adjective, pronoun, determiner [et] between nature and function, [une] ignorance of the times and their values [et une] inability in some candidates to identify the subject of a verb”.
Finally, the jury of the Nancy-Metz Academy deplores “the exclusive use of references from contemporary popular culture”. In Amiens, we note singularly “the small number of literary or cinematic examples in favor of illustrations using series that can be seen on Netflix”.
Even for the Besançon jury the observation is clear: “These productions give an impression of poverty of cultural knowledge, lack of social openness and intellectual curiosity incompatible with the teaching profession”. “We have reached a point of no return,” complains Pierre Favre, of the National Union of Schools (SNE).