Actor and longtime troupe member Divadla pod Palmovka Ivo Kubečka died on Thursday at the age of 77. The theater informed him on Friday through social networks. Kubečka played dozens of stage roles, she also starred in movies and TV series.
“Divadlo pod Palmovka announces with deep regret that Czech actor and long-time member of the theater group Mr. Ivo Kubečka passed away on Thursday, 12/15/2022 at the age of 77. Honor to his memory!” the theater announced on Facebook Friday.
Kubečka was born in Petřvald in the Karvinska region, graduated from the Orlová gymnasium and in 1967 studied acting at the JAMU.
He last played the role of Raymond Ass in the production of Edith and Marlene in early November at Divadle pod Palmovka.
He played more than 150 stage characters in his life. “His domain was primarily roles with comic and tragicomic potential, in which she could fully develop her talent for capturing the absurdity, comedy, joy and sadness of modern human life,” the theater said.
Kubečka also starred in several films, including Forgotten Light or Mazané Filip. He has also appeared in several episodes of the TV series Nova. The audience may remember the actor from, for example, The Assassination or Ordinac in the Rose Garden.