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Can Taking a Night Swim Wet Your Lungs, Myth or Reality? : health of the Okezone

SEND late at night, some people believe it can wet the lungs. So, the discussion of these assumptions about health, which is one of Dr. Tirta as a health worker and sports enthusiast, through his YouTube channel.

Through the #SuaraTirta segment that was uploaded this time, Dr. Tirta shared some insight into the myths circulating about health and sports that are often misleading to the general public.

The first myth, about the habit of bathing at night after sweating will cause lungs to become damp. Clearly Dr. Tirta said this myth is a hoax because wet lungs are caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

“When you sweat, you wipe your sweat first, then take a shower. Why wait for the sweat to evaporate first? Yes, so that evaporation is maximized, otherwise the bacteria will automatically attach again and you will continue to sweat,” he explained dr. Tirta

“When you sweat, your body temperature will stabilize and you won’t have a problem showering,” she added.

Also, on the same occasion, Dr. Tirta also discussed the effectiveness of using tissue magic during exercise, especially when climbing mountains and cycling. He said using these tissues can actually numb the muscles, but that doesn’t mean the muscles aren’t tired.

Fatigued muscles occur not because of the pulling pain, but because of the buildup of lactic acid.

“So the solution is that we have to stop and rest. We can’t force the situation because the lactic acid originates due to the breakdown of glycogen due to our anaerobic respiration,” he explained at length.

The next myth that is not left behind is also discussed, namely that consuming lots of protein supplements makes exercise more effective. Dr. Tirta explained that this doesn’t always happen.

Protein supplements will work best when balanced with stable sporting activities. Muscles will not grow if you consume supplements but do not exercise.

There are many more myths discussed by Dr. Tirta in this video. For those who are curious, just watch the video on Tirta PengPengPeng’s YouTube channel, ok!

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