The Community of Horta Sud it will totally facilitate free to women in the region operated on for breast cancer who have had a mastectomy, anatomical pillows that prevent pain in the area. The regional body will cooperate with the association Donà de Canyelles Group (a city in Barcelona, Catalonia) that the volunteers will take care of make the 300 pillows and with the town hall of this city.
heart shaped pillows prevent the arm from rubbing against the surgical woundsupports the muscles of the arms and shoulders and neck, provides a correct posture, comfort and safety needed in the postoperative period. Therefore, its use allows it cushion the blows or friction in the affected area becoming an essential element to be able to sleep on the operated side and useful for traveling by car or bus, as well as avoiding any accidental impact in that area.
Health centers will distribute the pillows
The pillows will be distributed from the Mancomunitat de l’Horta Sud a health centers in all municipalities of the region so that they are the primary medical professionals those who offer them free for patients.
“From Mancomunitat we want to send a message to all women operated on for breast cancer in the region, we want to tell them that they are not alone and with this small detail we want to strengthen their self-esteem and encourage them to move forward”, commented José Cabanes, president of the Mancomunitat de l’Horta Sud.