Home » Technology » This is the apparition of the terrible form of dinosaurs If they don’t go extinct, humans may be lost : Okezone techno

This is the apparition of the terrible form of dinosaurs If they don’t go extinct, humans may be lost : Okezone techno

like this horrible apparitions dinosaur if not already extinct. It all began when an asteroid hit the Earth with the force of 10 billion atomic bombs and changed the course of evolution.

More than 90 percent of all species went extinct, including dinosaurs. However, imagine that an asteroid that didn’t hit earth could have saved these ancient animals.

Meanwhile, birds of prey, which are part of this dinosaur, can evolve more intelligently than humans. That’s because dinosaur scientists discovered relativity or debated a hypothetical world of ancient animals that could have conquered the Earth.

In the 1980s, a paleontologist named Dale Russell conducted experiments on dinosaurs, Sciencealert reported. As seropods, dinosaur anatomy would have evolved.

The changes in the size of the dinosaurs will begin in the Jurassic period. Dinosaurs of the brontosaurus type and their relatives evolved into giants 30 m long and weighing 30-50 tons.

Many other groups such as brachiosauridae, diplodocid, titanosauria, turiasaurus and mamenchisaurus also evolved.

Evolution made dinosaur bodies large. Over the course of 100 years, megalosaurids, tyrannosaurs, allosaurids, carcharodontosaurids, and neovenatorids dinosaurs grew into giant predators.

Even though growing dinosaurs were weak at brain size development. During the Jurassic, allosaurus, stegosaurus, and brachiosaurus brains tended to be small.

Entering the end of the Cretaceous some 80 million years later, dinosaur brains underwent development. The brain of a tyrannosaurus duck begins to evolve. Regardless of brain size, the tyrannosaurus rex type of dinosaur only had a brain that weighed only 400 grams.

Dinosaur feet also evolved over time. The legs of the herbivorous animal also extend to find prey. They also use their long legs to fight off predators.

Unlike mammals, mammalian bodies do not evolve to get bigger. The evolution of mammals is marked by changes in the brain to be larger than before. Examples of large-brained mammals such as elephants, gorillas, tigers, and killer whales.

However, their brains aren’t genius anymore. However, some dinosaur breeds such as crows and parrots had complex brains. They can talk, count and use tools.

Hence the appearance of the terrible form of dinosaurs if they are not extinct. Hopefully it will add insights and information.


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