Home » Business » JD.ID laid off 200 employees

JD.ID laid off 200 employees

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia

Online shopping services or ecommerce JD.ID provide for the termination of the employment relationshiplayoffs) to 30 percent or 200 employees.

JD.ID’s head of corporate communications and public affairs Setya Yudha Indraswara said the layoffs were made as a phase of adaptation to meet current business challenges.

“One of the steps management takes is to simplify so the business can keep moving to adapt to change,” he said. CNNIndonesia.comTuesday (13/12).

Setya said JD.ID will continue to provide support to employees affected by the layoffs. The support in question is to continue to provide insurance, talent promotion and other rights.

“JD.ID further undertakes to continue to provide support to the 200 (30%) affected employees by continuing to provide insurance benefits and provide support in the form of talent promotion, as well as other rights in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,” He has said.

This phase out is not the first to be undertaken by JD.ID this year. Last May, the company also took the same step of one of the improvisations so that the company can continue to adapt and be in tune with the market dynamics and industry trends in Indonesia.

JD.ID Chief Executive Officer Jenie Simon said the company at the time was focusing on optimizing its employment structure.

“The company also takes decisions such as restructuring measures, where there is also a reduction in the number of employees,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


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