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What to Consider Before Betting on Horse Racing

Horse racing is a popular sport for punters around the globe for well over 100 years, but despite its popularity, it’s very difficult to develop the knowhow and expertise required to actually win money on it. There are no hard and fast rules that can ensure that you do so, but by considering the following rules before you bet, you will, at the very least, give yourself a bit of a leg up.

Consider Track Conditions

Track conditions play a vital role in the outcome of a race, and not being aware of this can put you at a significant disadvantage. Generally, a track will be either graded ‘Good’, ‘Soft’ or ‘Heavy’, with a good track generally occurring in dry conditions when the track is firm, a heavy track coming after lots of rain, and soft somewhere in between. Evidently it’s tougher to run on heavier tracks, which favours some horses and does the opposite for others. Some horses excel in wet conditions, and often these are those which tend to run towards the front of the field. In contrast, other horses perform well below their best when it’s wet, and these are often horses who typically come from the back of the field late – something which is harder to do when it’s wet. Of course, these factors are built into the odds, but if you’re betting a few days in advance then looking at the forecast can give you an advantage, and even if you’re betting just prior to the race, understanding which horses are likely to benefit from the conditions is pivotal.

Consider the Views of Experts

Though there are plenty who like to espouse expertise, there are very few people out there who actually know a significant enough about horse racing to bother listening to. That’s why this point is extremely important, but equally fraught with danger. Finding people who know what they are talking about and listening to them is a good way to gain an advantage; on the other side of the coin, however, you also need to ensure that the people you’re listening to are actually offering decent advice, as there are plenty of unsubstantiated claims floating around in the world of horse racing. Find punters who you know are good at what they do, and if you can find multiple of them and they share the same views, then that’s even better.

Consider Recent Form

Like human athletes, horses go through periods of their career when they perform better and periods where they perform worse. For that reason, before you bet you need to take a look at the recent form of each runner to get a feel for how they are performing of late. On top of that, take a look at where they’re up to in their preparation; is it their first run back from a break, or their fourth? This can also have a big impact on performance, though how it affects each horse can differ. Some horses generally come back from a break really fresh, though more commonly it takes a run or two for them to get into their best form. Take a look at how they’ve generally performed at each stage of their preparation in the past – ie ‘first up’, ‘second up’ etc – and compare that to where they’re at in their current prep.

Consider Which Race Number It Is

This might sound a little unusual, but which stage of the meet the race you’re betting on is taking place can actually have a significant impact on the outcome. This point is not all that dissimilar from the first one about track conditions, because the reason the race number is important is because of the way it can impact the track. Throughout the course of the day, race tracks often develop a bit of wear and tear and can get a little softer, particularly in certain parts of the course, as a result of all the heavy hooves running over it over the course of the day. Often the inside, for example, will get soft, which might make it tougher for a horse which has drawn the inside barrier. Take this into account when you’re analysing a race, particularly if it’s later in the day.

Consider Your Own Limits

This one might sound obvious and not necessarily like a whole lot of fun, but it needs to be included in any list about betting on horse racing. Unless you’re a professional punter genuinely making consistent money from betting, you need to be aware of your limits and betting for the right reasons. Mostly, those reasons relate to fun; if you’re betting amounts that make betting fun and that you’re willing to lose, then great. If it gets to the stage where you’re chasing your losses or betting money that you aren’t willing to lose, then all of the above advice shouldn’t be enough to get you to have a punt.

Horse racing is one of the most popular sports on which to bet, and has been for many, many years. For most it should just be a bit of fun, but of course, we’d all prefer to win. The above tips will by no means ensure that you do that, but they are important things that you need to consider before betting on horse racing which can help to ensure that you aren’t betting completely blind.

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