week and temperatures forHello.ana patricia: we listen to you morecome on.in custody is thesuspicious in relationmurders and lead aaseniors and all under 15shours.the subject identified asoliver sanders joined aauthority little this of the7:00 at barracks 77,this after the policepost your photosdescribing him as a manarmed and dangerous startedgoes hunting forFind him.Oliver allegedly committeda series of shootings beginsin brooklyn, this is one offacts and also where to96-year-old man in the chairwheels was hit by astray bullet that was firedduring a robbery of a woman andthis happened after 9:30Monday morning afteraround 3:00it was a late 21 year oldfatally shot in the chestin the residential complexaudience in manhattan.and finally near themidnight a teenager17 years old was bolea shot in anycha complex.