New scam with fake shops Mönchengladbach on the Internet Fraud with firewood against advance payment
Moenchengladbach · The Mönchengladbach Backus timber trade was misused as a fake shop: Customers are lured to the wrong supplier on Facebook with low prices, but are not supplied. How the scam exploded and what the police say.
Paid content The Facebook shop of “Kaminholzverkauf Backus” looks deceptively real: the same flame logo, photos of real company trucks, an address in Mönchengladbach. Only those who look closely will recognize the fraud: the logo has a very low resolution, it is similar to the photos. And the address is correct, but the house number is not quite correct: 102 instead of 100. And while the name “Backus” is spelled correctly, there is an error in the link, “Barkus” is what it says there. “It’s no feat to look deceptively real if you copy all the photos and text 1:1 from the real website,” says Brigitta Backus.
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