A verbal quarrel that almost turned into a fistfight, as often happens every year, in the Turkish Parliament when discussing the annual budget, as Turkish Interior Minister Suleiman Soilo replied yesterday, Monday, to questions from Radwan Turan, a representative of the Pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party on the budget allocated to the Ministry of the Interior. However, he did not take into account what happened and documented by the camera lenses, after the recorded video clip became the most popular in Turkey on social networks such as “Facebook” and “Twitter”.
In detail, a quarrel broke out between the Interior Minister and the deputy of the pro-Kurdish party, during the discussion of the budget of the Interior Ministry through the Planning and Budget Commission of the Turkish Parliament, and the verbal quarrel between them almost turned into in a fistfight, after the Interior Minister got excited and shouted loudly, but despite this it was not the protagonist of the video that went viral on social media, but his assistant, who was at the center of the most shared video in the country.
The video shows how the assistant to the interior minister Ismail Chatakli, who sits next to Soylu, has kept the utmost calm despite the dispute going on next to him. But all that didn’t stop Chatakli from having tea with cake too, even though his colleague Soylu almost jumped off his seat screaming!
In addition to social media, Turkish media, especially those close to and supported by opposition parties, devoted ample space to commenting on the video clip, in which they deemed it appropriate to attack the interior minister and his assistant, who do not have a good relationship with the opposition parties.
Most of the Turkish media released the video clip with an almost unified headline: “Assistant Interior Minister Eats Cake. This is the most important thing on his agenda.”