According to health experts, diabetes is a very difficult and confusing disease blood sugar levels It can make you feel very bad with its constant imbalance.
A sudden rise in sugar levels can lead to various diseases such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and even kidney and vision problems.
Diabetes and its effect on other organs
According to the Mayo Clinic, diabetes is a common metabolic disorder that occurs when your body can’t make or use enough insulin. A good, balanced lifestyle that includes exercise and dietary moderation.
While there is no cure for diabetes, especially type 2, it can be managed well, however, if your blood sugar levels fluctuate greatly, you need to find out the reason..
Lesser known causes of blood sugar fluctuations
According to health experts, second thehealthsiteThere are a few reasons that can be the cause of the ups and downs, and they are:
Exposure to intense sunlight:
If you have diabetes and are constantly exposed to the sun and harmful UV rays, it can cause severe dehydration. Doctors say sunburn can raise blood sugar levels because sweating causes the kidneys to retain water while the liver continues to release glucose, which lowers blood sugar. insulin sensitivity.
Artificial Sweeteners:
Usually, those with diabetes cut out sugar or turn to artificial sweeteners which are advertised as the best option, however, they contribute to high blood sugar levels and cause long-term chronic imbalances..
People who don’t drink enough water always suffer from dehydration, which affects the normal functioning of their organs. Diabetes sufferers will experience sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels due to not drinking enough water because dehydration leads to increased concentration of blood sugar by maintaining water in the body.
Nasal Sprays:
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nasal sprays, which are meant to clear a stuffy nose, contain certain harmful chemicals that stimulate the liver to produce more blood sugar, leading to an imbalance..
Don’t eat breakfast:
According to the site Skipping breakfast is the worst habit people with diabetes can adopt: Health experts say that even if you eat a very light lunch or dinner and skip breakfast, the first meal of the day can cause serious damage to cell functions beta.
Not sleeping well:
Sleep is associated with most bodily functions, and according to doctors, irregular nappers suffer from a variety of ailments, including diabetes. Even one night of inadequate sleep harms insulin production and use. Lack of sleep leads to lower levels of sleep Leptin, a hormone that helps us feel full, and higher levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone.