United UA1399 / UAL1399 Flugdetails – Flug Los Angeles San Francisco
The United domestic flight UA1399 / UAL1399 departs from Los Angeles [LAX]United States and fly to San Francisco [SFO]United States.
The estimated Flight duration Los Angeles – San Francisco amounts to 1:31 hours and the route of the flight to Flug Los Angeles San Francisco 543 kilometers.
departure and today 7/11/2022 a 10:45 PST from Los Angeles Airport, Terminal 7 Gate -.
expected arrival and today 07/11/2022 a 12:16 PST am Flughafen San Francisco, Terminal 3 Gate -.
What is the current departure and arrival time for United Airlines UA1399?
UA1399 departure is at 10:45 (Nov 07) and arriving in 12:16 (07 November)
How long is the UA1399 flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco?
The average flight time from Los Angeles to San Francisco takes 1 hour and 15 minutes. The distance is 543 km / 337 miles.
What is the average flight delay for UA1399?
The average flight delay UA1399 is 55 minutes with 70% of flights on time.