Delusional is the name of the latest book by Australian author and scholar McKenzie Wark, who is majoring in media and cultural studies at the New School in New York. Through this new book, he asks the following question: “How to live in an era that seems like the end of a world? Indeed, according to the one who is also behind A hacker manifesto – which criticizes the commodification of information in the era of digital culture and globalization – e Player theorythe answer is to participate in the underground scene queer and transgender raves, especially in New York. Its editor explains:Wark invokes a trans-rave practice as a suitable aesthetic for dancing in the ruins of this dilapidated capital “.
Delusional – which is part of the new series “Practices“where writers talk about their hobbies such as fishing, juggling or running – will be published in March 2023 by Duke University Press. The book is however already available for pre-order on the website of Palette knife books.