With age exposed joints It can lead to damage, wear and tear, but for many people, it is possible to slow joint cartilage loss as they age and avoid surgery.Health“.
An orthopedic surgeon at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, said certain steps can help maintain joint health and manage pain in those who already have arthritis and joint pain.
Cartilage, which is a shock-absorbing tissue, deteriorates for various reasons, said Dr. Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo.
These causes include birth with abnormal bones or a tendency to weaker cartilage – obesity, overuse, and accident injuries can damage joints and cartilage.
“When cartilage deteriorates, the body forms bone spurs,” Sanchez Sotelo said. “This is a reaction to the underlying problem, which is cartilage degeneration. Bone spurs can hit each other and become painful.”
Arthritis can cause symptoms such as joint pain, pain, stiffness, and loss of motion.
In previous years, people could protect their joints by building strong muscles, which can relieve some stress from the joints, but those muscles need to be built without intense exercises like football or bodybuilding because these sports carry a higher risk of developing arthritis.
“You have to exercise within reasonable limits. Find out where your muscles are healthy, flexible and strong and you will protect your joints, but don’t overdo it,” said Sanchez Sotelo.
You also need to maintain a healthy weight.
People with arthritis pain can change their activities. Doctors have suggested if the problem is with the knee or hip joint, try pedaling instead of running.
Use a stick to relieve the load on the hip, knee or ankle joint.
A type of knee brace worn outside of clothing can transfer the load to the healthier side of the knee joint.
Consider over-the-counter medications, including acetaminophen and ibuprofen, for persistent pain, but don’t overuse pain relievers.
A person whose pain persists may consider injections into the affected joint with cortisone or toradol to relieve the pain. Additionally, hyaluronic acid can help lubricate the joints when injected, especially in the knee.