Home » Business » ‘Suvarnabhumi’ accepts reduced ‘taxis’, passengers have to wait a long time. Accelerate the coordination of the external car Take more taxis

‘Suvarnabhumi’ accepts reduced ‘taxis’, passengers have to wait a long time. Accelerate the coordination of the external car Take more taxis

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‘Suvarnabhumi’ accepts reduced ‘taxis’, passengers have to wait a long time. Accelerate the coordination of the external car Take more taxis

Reporters reported on October 22 Suvarnabhumi Airport It issued a document explaining the case of foreign tourists waiting for a long time in line for a system of public taxi kiosks (taxis), the investigation showed that the incident occurred in prime time, where passengers have been using the service for a long time. From such cases, additional staff were arranged to call taxis. to accelerate the drainage of passengers to be able to receive services faster and accelerate the increase in the number of taxi drivers to provide additional services in the system

Suvarnabhumi Airport (TAT) Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) revealed that, as it appeared to have been posting messages on social media on the evening of October 21 about the case of foreign tourists, having to wait in line for a taxi service at Suvarnabhumi Airport for a long time

Suvarnabhumi Airport would like to clarify this Due to this period, there are a lot of inbound flights. and it was before the long vacation The number of passengers who want to use a taxi is a lot. together with the number of taxis registered to serve at the Police Headquarters, it records a partial decrease in the number of the Covid-19 epidemic. Thus causing the case that taxi users have to wait in a long queue for a period of time.

Due to such incidents, Suvarnabhumi Airport is not calm about the problems that arise. During the time when there are many passengers in line The police station mobilized staff and rushed to coordinate taxis from outside to register temporarily for further support services. along with opening more taxi lanes so taxis can enter and pick up users faster and recruited more taxi drivers to serve Suvarnabhumi Airport

However, Suvarnabhumi Airport apologizes for any inconvenience caused here and welcomes comments. in order to modify and improve the service to be more efficient

In addition to traveling by taxi. Users can plan a trip with other types of public buses such as trains, Airport Rail Link, limo buses, vans and public buses, etc. Suvarnabhumi Airport You can contact the AOT Contact Center on 1722 24 hours a day.

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