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Australia: man put alive in a body bag and died

It sounds like the plot of a particularly gruesome horror movie: In Australia, a man would have been put alive in a body bag and taken away. However, he died anyway. Investigations should now determine whether the patient actually died in the morgue or before.

Because everything indicates that he was still alive when he was taken away.

The man was reportedly transported alive to the morgue in Australia

Either this is a big misunderstanding or it’s just the scariest story ever. A nurse found a seemingly lifeless man in her bed at a hospital in Perth, Australia. The 55-year-old was later pronounced dead: his family has already greeted him. A few hours later, the patient, who had previously been hospitalized in palliative care, was placed in a body bag and taken away. But one thing was not considered: apparently no one has issued a death certificate.

The next day he already did contacted an organ donation organization with the hospital, remove the organs from the deceased and thus save the life of other people. A doctor was then called to the morgue to certify the man’s death. But when he opened the body bag, the big shock came!

Fresh blood in the body bag

The doctor found fresh blood that was on the deceased’s hospital gown. Apparently, this blood came from a wound on the dead man’s arm. Also, she suddenly lay down in a different position and her eyes were open. As the Western Australia writes, the doctor then wrote a report to the responsible coroner.

“I think the blood opened from a new tear in the skin, the position of the arms and the eye marks I disagree with a person who is dead “said the doctor. According to him, a person is unlikely to bleed after death. “As soon as a patient died, the heart stopped beating, so that there is no more circulation and the blood is no longer enriched with oxygen “, explains to Nine news. “So if a deceased were to be cut, you wouldn’t expect to see any bleeding or red blood.”

From this he concluded that the patient could be alive when they put him in the body bag. But due to his predicament, the man failed to get noticed and then died.

The doctor was “under pressure” to write the wrong date

Another curiosity: the doctor wanted to record the patient’s death on 6 September 2022 – while he was visiting him in the morgue. However, according to his own statement, he was then educated to backdate the time of death to September 5th, the day the nurse found the 55-year-old. Rumor has it that he was under pressure. But he refused to do so and informed his department head.

The case only emerged when that Funeral honours Inconsistencies found in the 55-year-old’s death certificate.

The court decides who is to blame

It is not yet clear what will happen next. Judicial investigations should now settle this curious case. In the meantime, too Australian Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said this. He personally contacted the deceased’s family and made it clear that it was “highly unlikely” that he had been placed in a body bag while he was alive.

What is certain, however, is that all hospitals in Western Australia have faced severe staffing problems since the pandemic. Nurses are overwhelmed and have so much to do that the quality of their work suffersis[calledYouwouldliketofindoutaboutthehumanerrorandexcessiverequestshavebeencausedbytheseriouserrorthatliesbehindsomeofthethingsthatarecompletelydifferentfromtheexampleofthecriminalnature[chiamatoSivorrebbeorascopriresel’erroreumanoelerichiesteeccessivesianostatelacausadell’erroregraveosedietrovisiaqualcosadicompletamentediversoadesempiodinaturacriminale

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