Home » Business » “With inflation ranging from 80% to 100%, it is safer to have bitcoins than pesos” – Unidiversidad

“With inflation ranging from 80% to 100%, it is safer to have bitcoins than pesos” – Unidiversidad

This was stated in #ChatEconomic by Adrián Acevedo, professor at the Faculty of Economics of UNCUYO and expert in corporate finance. He talked about the relationship between Argentines and Argentines with cryptocurrencies.

In Argentinalike the world, the cryptocurrencies They increase in popularity as they gain importance in the daily lives of those seeking to save without limits or traps. However, what appears to be an easy and accessible market to invest in can turn into a much more complex process. Here because #ChatEconomica interviewed on professor at the Faculty of Economics of UNCUYO and expert in Corporate Finance, Adrián Acevedowho explained the world of cryptocurrencies: what they are, how to invest and what is the relationship of Argentines with virtual currency.

“From a macro point of view, the idea of ​​investing is basically trying to make money. So the reason people want to invest in the cryptocurrency world is to protect themselves from the inflation that hits them. So there are several ways, both legal and not legal, to transfer pesos into cryptocurrencies. This can be generated through platforms via transfers to pass it to cryptocurrencies, “he said.

In Argentina, the expert explained, the purchase of cryptocurrencies is completely legal and these are recognized as a personal asset.

“They are not recognized as money, but as an asset which, when purchased, is the registration of the purchase of the asset or goods. Although there are an infinity of cryptocurrencies, the person who carries out this buying activity must know what he is doing, know the profile of the cryptocurrencies, if they have any type of support, if it is a project that has an infinite or finite issue. and you also understand that it has volatility. There are cryptocurrencies that are always worth a dollar and others that fluctuate. That’s why it’s important to understand what is being bought, “she explained.

Regarding the current situation in the crypto world, Acevedo stated that the trend is increasing as the months pass in the country. This is due to the current economic paradox. “Today we are in a process of adopting cryptocurrency, but in a much slower way, due to the economic paradox we live in. Where there is inflation ranging from 80% to 100%, it is safer to have bitcoin than Argentine pesos, “she stressed.

As far as the world is concerned, cryptocurrencies are what economists call ‘Bear Market’.

“For a long time the world of finance has recorded this price increase due to this gigantic issue of money from many countries that has invaded all assets, stock markets and others. With the passing of the days that peak has decreased and is in average values ​​normal or relative to the times with which the globe moves economically. Even if, as we said before, the situation is a bit more complicated ”, he sealed.

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