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Here are 5 positive effects of ultraviolet radiation

TIME.CO, JakartaThe ozone layer in the atmosphere blocks most of the radiation exposure ultraviolet (UV) sun to penetrate the earth. Increasing the amount of UV radiation has a negative effect on health. On the other hand, insufficient exposure to UV rays also has a negative effect, i.e. UV rays also have a positive effect.

Quoting the official website of the World Health Organization (WHO), radiation UV it is the electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun and from some artificial sources. When sunlight passes through the atmosphere, all UVC rays and approximately 90 percent of UVB rays are absorbed by ozone, water vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The amount of UV radiation from the sun hitting the earth’s surface depends on several factors, including the sun’s height in the sky, latitude, cloud cover, altitude, ozone layer thickness, and ground reflection. Reported by Science Learning Center, Here are five positive effects of UV radiation:

1. Able to produce vitamin D

Richard McKenzie, a NIWA scientist, found in his research that exposure to the sun’s UV rays is necessary for the human body to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is said to help strengthen bones, muscles and the immune system. . It can also reduce the risk of developing certain cancers such as colon cancer.

2. Enhance the mood

Research shows that the sun’s UV rays stimulate the pineal gland in the brain to produce certain chemicals called “tryptamines”. These chemicals improve a person’s mood.

3. Helps the vision of animals

Some animals (including birds, bees, and reptiles) can find hidden food sources with the help of light or UV rays. Fruits, flowers, and seeds often look very different from what humans see them. For example, when viewed in UV light, some flowers have distinct stripes, which can help direct bees and birds to nectar.

4. Help the navigation of insects

Many insects use the UV emissions of celestial bodies as a reference to aid in flight navigation. This is why light sometimes attracts flying insects by interfering with their navigation process. Santay Kumarasingham in his research showed that microorganisms and viruses were attacked by UV radiation with a wavelength of 254 nanometers.

5. Useful for disinfection and sterilization

UV rays have positive applications in the area of ​​disinfection and sterilization. UV rays can effectively kill (deactivate or destroy) microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. For example, when you hang cloth diapers, underwear and tea towels outside on the clothesline. To destroy microorganisms, Sinar UV penetrate the cell membrane, destroying the DNA.


Read also: Contact lenses are more effective against ultraviolet rays

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