Waste can be disposed of in a natural way, which is recycling or desalination, and the waste decomposition process is called biodegradation.
Decomposition means breaking down and breaking down, and this happens by collecting bacteria, worms and insects on the waste, feeding them and transforming them into other forms.
The organic decomposition of substances occurs in the presence of oxygen and is called aerobic, it can occur without oxygen and is called anaerobic.
The waste is analyzed and a biodegradable, synthetic material is produced, which can resemble animal or plant material.
It can be said that waste is divided into two types in terms of danger, hazardous waste and benign waste, and each has a way to dispose of it.
Benign non-hazardous waste are those whose presence does not cause serious problems and can be disposed of in a safe and non-hazardous way.
As for hazardous waste, it is toxic waste consisting of radioactive or phosphorous compounds or phenols, which create many problems.
There are many ways to dispose of different waste and one of these methods is to bury the waste in the ground, which is the common method in the world.
Where waste is buried economically and is used after hundreds of years in the production of non-renewable energy.
Waste can be disposed of by incineration using heat treatments that help convert the waste into gas and steam, but it is considered a hazardous method.
It takes days, months, and perhaps years for some materials to decompose in the ground. For example, the card takes 6 weeks to decompose.
As for glass, it takes a long time to decompose, it could take a million years, and some say it never decomposes.
While aluminum cans take over 100 years to completely decompose, so does plastic, which take a long time to decompose.