Woke up delightful, I am not complainingAt all.rafael: we handed with lucreciaborchardt, how are theconditions?lucrecia: very pretty inthis beginning of wednesday,we mentioned that this fifty percent ofthe week is accompanied by thecalor ípico de verano, acesreturn temperatureswe have been underneathtypical, for today we couldhave the heat indexapproaching 90, we havedry and mostly disorderssunny that bayo haáevaporate a great deal of moisturewe have on the ground, that isadditional h2osuspended the area, we will havea sultry air, wingssticky in our region.greatest temperatures insuperior 80s, nonetheless the indexthe warmth is stabilizing90 in some locations.we see a baometercontinues to be over 70, consequentlyat the very least until finally 10:00when we will do thestep to 81, thisI was finding halfway throughthis was correct at the time ofthe lunch.es saloé relative date ofwhat I’m speaking about, conditionswhich they presently holda humidity of 100% inmorristown, mound, elrelaxation of the surrounding citiesto the metropolitan space are oscillating