pleasant.rafael: we handed with lucreciaborchardt.there are isolated stormshave been you in the photo?lucrecia: some feasible, they aremore rain and drizzle with nofar more evidence desired to be viewedsome electrical actioncomparison with what we experiencedayer.the disorders for thistomorrow if it will come out earlyscenario should erect that placeof building for the day ofright now the information is like thisencouraging, we will not be expecting to seethe volume of rain thatwe experienced yesterday, with no thatone more drizzle disperses thetomorrow but nothing at all that will go to usbe concerned.72 by 7:00 am, athermometer on 78 at 12:00of the auto, located in the81 for 4:00 in the afternoon andthere we see a sure chancefrom isolated drizzle adifference yesterday will notparticularly on the side or on allsecond but definitely of coursewe will addchance of central passagealthough continuing to eraseour area.maxims for now,temperatures that arestaying in 84 for Newark,83 in new york, extensive islandwith temperatures in the ’81s.what is superior adequate isthe relative humidity stagewe have viewed the rainleaving our space throughoutthe very last couple of several hours and it was rainingsubstantial in some elementsNow the whole course of actionevaporation helps make us havebetter concentration of drinking watersuspended in the air and it displaysquite a few of our townsarrive at the mac saturation degree