This is where she begins to share her story on TikTok, describing herself as “the black sheep” of his community. Sania even confides: “Going through a divorce as a South Asian woman sometimes feels like a failure in life. My family members told me that if I left my husband, I would leave ‘Shaytan’ (the devil in Arabic) to win, that I dress like a prostitute and if I go back to my hometown they will kill themselves,” she explains.
Very quickly, the messages of the young woman become viral. But “she also receives negative reactions” for broadcasting the breakdown of his marriage, confides a friend. Bisma Parvez, 35, a Pakistani-American Muslim woman who followed her on social media, recalls: “After the first video I saw of her, I just prayed for her”she says on BBC News. “Women in these situations are told to be ‘sabr’ (patience in Arabic) and, in an abusive relationship, patience is not the answer.” At the time of her death, more than 20,000 people were following Sania Khan on TikTok.