Home » Technology » Hashtag #FuerzaMatanzas reached millions of users on Twitter – RedGlobe

Hashtag #FuerzaMatanzas reached millions of users on Twitter – RedGlobe

The hashtag #FuerzaMatanzas has reached millions of users on the social network Twitter. This is evident from various analysis tools that calculate the potential readership of the thousands of news stories from around the world about the events in Matanzas.

This hashtag was placed on social networks as a result of the fire at the fuel depot in Matanzas and the resulting consequences for the population and the country.

It has been used by citizens, media, state and social institutions, international political figures and leading Cuban politicians.


The hate machine that attacks the Cuban Revolution on a daily basis has once again infiltrated social networks with fake news about what is happening in Matanzas, without holding back in the face of the tragedy and pain.

On August 8, Cuban diplomat Omar Rafael García Lazo warned on Facebook about untruths related to an alleged threat to the population of Matanzas, in the Versalles district, saying that the misrepresentations and lies were once again with the macabre intent of creating chaos.

The Granma team that was on site reported that there are no strong odors in the area. “If you look closely in one of the videos, you can even see a queue at a store. However, many people follow the instruction to stay indoors,” writes journalist Yeilén Delgado.

For example, on August 6, journalist Randy Alonso Falcón denounced on Facebook the “shameless and macabre use of false profiles to attribute fake news to Cubadebate at a time so painful for Cuba.”

He was referring to a post circulated by an apocryphal profile with the same name as the well-known media outlet, which claimed that the Cuban government was rejecting an alleged fireboat aid package proposed by the US government.

With the apparent aim of stirring up trouble, the text couldn’t be further from the truth, considering the US government only offered technical advice, which Cuba accepted and thanked her for.

There was also speculation about the death of young firefighter Elier Correa, who was later reported to be in serious condition but stable and responding positively to the medication.

The island’s authorities urge the population to keep themselves informed through the official channels, which are constantly following events.

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