JABAREKSPRES.COM – Knee disease is not always related to gout as has been widely discussed. Because it turns out there are factors that can be causes of knee pain attacks sudden.
By knowing the cause, it will be faster to deal with it swiftly. Symptoms of knee pain are usually marked by stiffness of the knee area.
This condition can occur due to disturbances in the structure or network knee shaper.
So here are a number of causes that make your knees hurt.
The most common cause of knee pain is osteoarthritis, which is inflammation of the cartilage in the joints. This condition usually occurs due to age and excessive use of the knee joint, for example when lifting heavy objects or due to being overweight.
Rheumatoid arthritis can also be a cause of knee pain. This condition is characterized by joint inflammation due to an autoimmune disease that can damage the structure of almost all joints in the body, including the knee joint.
Gout arthritis is a joint inflammation caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, including the knee joints. This condition usually causes symptoms of joint swelling, redness of the joint skin, and joint pain.
4. Septic arthritis