live, 278 and hamilton avenues.More information for you at“upon awakening”.Ana Patricia: Thank you.united states declaresnational emergency due tomonkey while new yorklives a real crisis, whywhat is we have crisis? Isabelperaltahill explains us fromvaccination that is in that we have a crisis and I’m leavingto advance a little becausethe issue of vaccinationhad many setbacks.isabel: apparently part ofthe stumbles as you mention isthat there are not enough and it is becausethis that in a certain way, noé if you have to of the lack ofvaccine or the high figures butthe white house has declared apublic health emergencynational level due to thissmallpox The Monkey Outbreak,the CDC has confirmed more than1700 cases of this disease,this is the data this is thedata held up to 4of this is the data that iswe are talking about 1748confirmed cases, 1630 oabout 93% of thosecases lie here in the cityfrom new york and as if it werelittle even though the figures arehigh and that this was issuedhealth emergency instate opened this thursdayabout 23,000 appointments to receivethe first dose of this vaccineand in less than an hoursold out all, they have alsoopened about five clinics inthe city and still is notenough, evenpresident of the district ofmanhattan tweeted