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An agreement with the City to develop the culture of blood donation » PACA’s economic and political letter

Yes, one day or another we can all need a blood transfusion!

By renewing the agreement between La Valette du Var, the Association of Volunteer Blood Donors of La Valette and Revest and the French Blood Donation Establishment (EFS), the city is contributing its stone to this edifice, which is so important for all. .

Thursday July 21, the mayor Thierry Albertini, the president of theAssociation of Voluntary Blood Donors of La Valette and Revest Jacques Semenou and Alexandre Talamoni representing the regional director of the EFS Jacques Chiaroni renewed the convention in the presence of the members of the association.

“Blood donation is an important fight. Since the health crisis, the collection offer has been disrupted and today we can clearly see that it is difficult to find the number of pocket collections before the crisis. With this agreement that we are renewing, we affirm our support for this cause which is particularly close to my heart, as a former caregiver. My team and I are proud to sign this agreement in order to facilitate the organization of collections and promote the culture of giving and solidarity. » said Mayor Thierry Albertini.

Alexandre Talamoni underlined that La Valette du Var was one of the most active municipalities in this area. On average, there are 800 people who donate blood at least once a year in the town and 400 valet residents who come to the Sainte Musse hospital transfusion center for blood, plasma or platelet donations.

Why give blood ?

Giving blood is choosing to save lives. Today, there is no treatment or synthetic drug capable of replacing human blood. This voluntary and benevolent act is therefore irreplaceable. In France, the needs to treat the sick require 10,000 blood donations per day. And this figure is tending to increase… Indeed, until 2013, under the combined effect of longer life expectancy and advances in medicine, the consumption of blood products recorded an increase of 1 to 3% per year. The needs in Red cells increased by 29% between 2002 and 2012.

Blood donation makes it possible to treat more than one million patients each year in France. Blood products are used in two main scenarios: emergency situations (hemorrhage during childbirth, accident, surgery, etc.) and chronic needs (blood diseases and cancers).

A worrying situation

The EFS faces two difficulties that have a strong impact on blood reserves. The first, since the start of the health crisis, the cancellation of numerous mobile collections (especially in universities and businesses) has led to a significant drop. Unfortunately, this phenomenon still persists (sectors still slowed down, teleworking or still unavailable premises). The second, a drop in levies on ongoing collections, due to the strengthening of health security measures and which caused a drop in donor attendance, some of whom have not returned to the path of donation. Already donors or not yet, all are particularly expected in the 6 donation centers of the region in Aix-en-Provence, Arles, Avignon, Marseille, Nice and Toulon as well as on all the collections set up on the territory.

Book your slot

For all collections, the EFS welcomes donors by appointment to facilitate donations. This makes it possible to reduce the waiting time and to better manage the care of each donor while respecting the distancing measures. Log on to www.resadon.fr to reserve a time slot or contact the Maison du don closest to you.

Blood donations are possible every eight weeks: people who donated at the start of confinement can now return to collection!

Association of Voluntary Blood Donors of La Valette and Revest

Contact details: Town Hall Place General de Gaulle – 83160 La Valette-du-Var 06 14 22 89 74

French Blood Establishment (EFS)

Info donations and fundraising:

54, rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville – 83100 TOULON

(Grand Hall of the Sainte Musse hospital) Tel. 04 98 08 08 50
Azur number 0 810 810 109

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