Although the summer naturally equals a relaxing holiday and endless aperitifs on the terrace, the higher temperatures also cause less pleasant side effects. For example, your room is suddenly buzzing with mosquitoes, you have to apply sunscreen several times a day so as not to burn yourself and you have to watch out for ticks when you are outside. We all know them, but what should you actually do in case of a tick bite?
Door Editorial Online
 - 10/07/2022 om 10:00
Of course, prevention is always better than cure, so try to remember to apply a tick repellent before going for a walk or when you spend a lot of time in the garden. But even then, it is advisable to inspect yourself, your family members and your pets afterwards. Do you have a tick bite? Then you proceed as follows.
first aid tick bites
1. Gently remove the tick in one movement with a tick remover. Do not crush a tick. Do not use alcohol, iodine, soap, ether or oil. Also, do not burn an attached tick. Don’t turn on a tick.
2. It’s okay if a piece of the tick gets stuck in your skin. The bacteria is not passed on this way. It can cause a minor infection. Then take care of the wound. If necessary, clean it with soap and water.
3. If you have removed a tick, it is important that you follow the tick bite carefully. Watch for possible symptoms for a month. As a parent, note the date of your child’s tick bite in your calendar with weekly reminders to look at the location of the tick bite. Follow-up is important to be able to start a correct treatment in case of illness.
An important sign of Lyme disease is a red, ring-shaped spot at the site of the tick bite that gradually enlarges (the erythema migrans† This spot does not appear immediately, but after a few days or weeks. In dark-skinned people, that spot is blue. Symptoms that resemble the flu (fever with muscle and/or joint pain) can also be the result of a tick bite.
For more information, please visit the website specially set up for this purpose