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On video: Winemaker stabs man to death in Manhattan | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

las 11:00.hope: good night, youSay hello to Esperanza Ceballos.jonathan: y jonathan inoa,thanks for joining us.hope: causecontroversial murder of aman with a knifemanhattan.jonathan: explain them to ussides of the coin in this case.Alejandro: there is stillcommotion in this neighborhoodafter a winemakerDominican will take away from lifeone stabbed in thisestablishment, all forpacket of chips like this.in the place they have put candlesin honor of the deceased, whilewho defend thewinemaker they say he didn’t like itremedy, which had to defendhis life.the images in this warehousefull street are effective horror.a winemaker has a frontmyth with a man who went outacross the counter andends up stabbing himmortally. the winemaker joeAlvarez, written as aexemplary workman is imprisoned.>> we are being punishedwhen criminals arereleased.alexander: the president of thenew winery associationyork says this is thecalvary they live was going to go.>> the shot went through there.Alejandro: he already received ashot working, says thatHe knows what it is to fear for his life.>> it is a great guarantee of the$150,000 to half a millionolars when defending fromthe crime wave that isgoing through new yorkAlejandro: the prosecutor’s officemanhattan ésa presenándolesecond murder chargesdegree. details sayit all started when a womancame with a girl to buya snack, the transaction ofsupposedly, the winemakersnatched from the handsmerchandise to the minor, he cried toher 37-year-old boyfriend, whocame to complain to the winemakerbetween shouts and a push.>> there are cases where one canuse force todefend yourself, but there is adifference between usingforce and deadly force.alexander: a lawyercriminalist who does not have todo with the case believes that theprosecution and the defense couldhave strong arguments.>>> the prosecutor is going to say thatactually there wasn’t onelife threat,I needed the strength, but noto hurt, to ask for aperón to the girl.Alejandro: the case is alreadycausing national commotion,starting with philadelphia.>>> if we have to do ago, if we have to go to newyork to some protest, whatwill.Alejandro: we have walked throughseveral businesses leftadjoining the warehouse in whichJoe worked.ámara, because she says she hasafraid of the situation. butThey wanted to leave a clear messagesupport joethis lady didn’t want eitherspeak in camera, but ensurehave been at the time ofaccident.allegedly heard as theman took from the winemakerlittle girl?”she says she is scared to seeto the wife of the deceasedasking him between tears thatnot die, all in front of thesmaller.>> one has the obligation totry to escape from this situationbefore using forcemortal.Alejandro: this lawyer assuresthat in the argument will be thebe likely that the winemakerI had reason to feelthreatened, everything is determined byappraisal in courtwhether it was justified thatin that case I will use mortally

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