Monday 04/07/2022 at 20h25
– Updated at 20h29 -
By La Provence (with AFP)
The new Minister of Health, François Braun, ruled on Monday that “our entire healthcare system is at the end of its tether“and promised to buckle down”in emergency” to the files that await him, including the hospital crisis. After having praised Brigitte Bourguignon for her “benevolent listening“and his”willingness to tackle problems head-on“, the former head of emergencies in Metz mentioned, during the transfer of power to the ministry, a “health system (…) capable of doing extraordinary things, as during the pandemic, but (which) lacks flexibility, visibility, is no longer understood by our fellow citizens or by our caregivers“.
“The emergencies (…) are sick, the public hospital is not well, and our whole health system is out of breath“, added the one who has just submitted 41 proposals to the government, as part of a flash mission on “unscheduled care“.
And to hammer that “there is an urgent need to fight against inequalities in access to health, of which medical deserts are the most terrible emblem“, but also “for the hospital and for the caregivers, devastated by the Covid crisis, of which we could not have anticipated all the consequences“.
Posing”far from incantations, from ‘there’s only, we have to‘”, this former health referent of Emmanuel Macron’s campaign “intends to carry out a renovation of our health system centered on the health needs of the French, as close as possible to the various territories of the Republic“, convinced that “health needs are not the same in Moselle-est or in the Basque Country“.
The new minister announced that he would receive, “from the next few days“, with its Deputy Minister Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, “the intermediate health bodies to start the major consultation of the stakeholders wanted by the President of the Republic“.
François Braun assured to stay “emergency doctor, with in (his) DNA the desire to qualify problems and act quickly to solve them“.
Its Minister Delegate for Territorial Organization and the Health Professions, Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, spoke shortly before about access to care and the fight against medical deserts.
“This morning at 8:30 a.m. I was testing and vaccinating again“, also slipped this pharmacist by profession, deputy of Seine-Maritime (Horizons) and close to the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe.