1 – On 30 June the sanctions on the Pos are triggered: what does this mean?
Merchants and professionals may be sanctioned if they do not allow customers to pay with a debit (like Bancomat), credit or prepaid card.
2 – How high are the penalties?
For each refused Pos transaction (of any amount), the penalty is equal to 30 euros, plus 4% of the value of the transaction itself.
3 – Is it possible to pay in reduced form?
No, the reduced payment is excluded, usually provided for when settling within 60 days of immediate dispute or notification of the violation.
4 – Are there any exceptions?
The sanction does not apply “in cases of objective technical impossibility” to receive card payments via Pos. It will be important to clarify which hypotheses are concerned: for example, actual problems of temporary connectivity or technical malfunctions of the device.
5 – Wasn’t the obligation to have the POS already in force?
Yes, for those who carry out “the activity of selling products and providing services, including professional ones”, the obligation to accept card payments has existed since 30 June 2014 (article 15, paragraph 4, Legislative Decree 179/2012). But sanctions have never been envisaged (introduced in paragraph 4-bis).