Russian forces cut all the way out of Severodonet by demolishing all three bridges leading to the enclosed eastern city, said Serhiy Hajd, governor of the Luhansk region.
In a video update, Hajdaj said Russia had not completely occupied the city and part of the city was under Ukrainian control. He also said earlier that the Russians were continuing the siege of the enclosed city and had repressed Ukrainian soldiers with their significant artillery superiority.
The Russians are destroying a quarter of a city after a quarter of a city
Hajdaj said, adding that the Russian army was “partially successful at night”, and
it controlled 70 percent of the city.
As Russian forces have demolished the two surviving bridges over the river Donetsk over Siversky in the last two days, the civilians stranded there have no escape to the west, to the neighboring city of Lisitsansk, which is also being shot but is still in Ukrainian hands.
Evacuation and transportation of human consignments is now impossible
Said Hajdaj Guardian according to.