Home » Health » Gard: the CGT on “maximum alert” on the state of emergency health

Gard: the CGT on “maximum alert” on the state of emergency health

Gathered in Alès this Friday, the members of the CGT Santé of the Gard hospitals (Bagnols, Nîmes, Alès, Ponteils and Le Vigan), call on caregivers to join the national mobilization scheduled for Tuesday June 7 in hospitals.

On the department, the demonstrators are called to regroup in front of the emergencies of Bagnols at 9 am, or in front of those of the CHU of Nîmes from 12:30 pm.

Significant risks of closures

“We have been making claims for years on the catastrophic situation experienced by the nursing staff, recall with one voice the union delegates. But this time, it’s unheard of, it’s historic.”

Affected by an increasingly catastrophic lack of staff for the union (including 15% absenteeism at the CH d’Alès according to its figures), several Gard hospitals risk having to close emergencies on certain nights this summer.

“The emergency room is crumbling. And behind it, the whole hospital is falling”

Like what is already happening in other hospitals: in Rennes, Bordeaux or Orléans. “For Bagnols, it’s sure and certain”, confirms Bruno Vigne. For Alès, there is a “serious risk”, according to the opinion of Romain Sabran.

Nîmes could be spared, but Nathalie Argenson affirms that her emergencies now receive patients from Arles or Manosque: “I had never seen that! The emergency rooms are crumbling. And behind her, the whole hospital is falling.“The union calls, urgently, to reinvest massively in staff and in favor of working conditions.

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