introduce changes and laterI tell you.Alejandro: thank you, we’re going toexpect.Although the health authoritiesensures that your under the dangerof an epidemic, so artI’m older than us before himmonkeypox outbreak.cds study right nowFour confirmed cases instate and from departmenthealth in long island cityisabel peraltahill and i wantthat you explain to us everythingwe should know about thisdisease that until nowmany are unaware.isabel: there it is, alejandro.There are four confirmed cases innew york citymonkey pox twoadditional confirmedjust two days ago, that isthis is already double whatit was dyed last Thursday.the authorities are sayingto the doctors, to the programsproof that people canbe done in laboratoriesand this is from thehealth department of thecity and this confirmation isby the cdc, this diseaseso far it is lowrisk but they are doingcontact trace and monitoringto these people whopositivo se les esá tratandoproperly say have to beawaiting the symptoms ofthis disease, one of themfor example is that they areflu-likecoronavirus, esán accompaniesinflammation or swelling of thelymph nodes, somethingregular smallpox does not,also produces rashfever, muscle aches andexhaustion.the incubation period isseven to 14 days but can bethe authorities say yesHe recently traveled to SpainCanaá, United Kingdomportugal i used could be inrisk of being infected.if you are sick stay homeand I sought medical attention,this is not parallel alert him