Supermarket chain Dirk will stop advertising on television from June 1, the chain announced on Wednesday. The supermarket has made the decision “to keep groceries affordable for everyone in this time”. In this way, the company hopes to reduce costs in times of high inflation.
In total, the step will save 35 percent of the supermarket chain’s marketing budget, a spokesperson told It is not clear exactly what amount is involved, but the spokesperson emphasizes that supermarket chains usually spend millions on TV spots.
In the weeks in which Dirk can still be seen on television, a new campaign looks back at the television history of the company.
“In times when everything is only getting more expensive in the supermarket, we want to cut costs. Large budgets for TV commercials and broadcasting time are not appropriate at the moment,” says general manager Marcel Huizing. The supermarket has no influence on price increases, but it does on other costs, the spokesperson explains.
The discounter has a total of 129 stores. They are located in North and South Holland, North Brabant, Utrecht, Gelderland, Flevoland, Overijssel, Friesland and Zeeland.