In November 2019, this British couple won more than 1 million pounds (1.17 million euros). With this money, the couple took a trip to the Maldives and they swapped their car, a Fiat Multipla, for a Range Rover Discovery.
However, Stephen and Lesley did not incur extraordinary expenses and continued to live in the same house. In addition, they decided to put aside their fortune so that they could give their six children and four grandchildren a future. bright.
While Stephen initially quit his job as a truck driver, he eventually returned to his first love.Due to Brexit and the protracted coronavirus crisis, Britain has faced a shortage of truck drivers and , therefore, to empty the shelves of stores.
“I didn’t have to think long,” the millionaire told the Mirror. “I was happy to help out and it was great to be back at work.” The Briton has again started carrying products for the Lidl department store chain. “Many people with truck driving licenses received the same letter from the government, but few of them had become millionaires through the lottery,” he says. An unusual story…