Besides being delicious, it turns out that there are benefits that can be obtained when consuming tilapia. / Photo: illustration/ist
Besides being delicious, it turns out there are benefit which can be obtained when consuming tilapia.
Tilapia contains lower levels of fat, good cholesterol, and calories than beef. Vitamin B12 contained in tilapia is very important to maintain energy in your body.
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In fact, tilapia is a high source of vitamin D and protein. As reported by StylecrazeSaturday (14/5/2022), here are the benefits of tilapia for body health.
1. Good for Bones
Tilapia is good for your bones. This is because tilapia contains minerals such as calcium and phosphorus which are needed for growth and maintenance of bones.
Several recent studies have shown that tilapia collagen type 1 is very useful in regenerative medicine. It shows promising results in assisting bone cell regeneration in the laboratory.
2. Prevent Cancer