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The death benefit of a civil servant

Payment conditions related to the deceased

While civil servants can leave capital to their relatives following their death, they must however be in one of the following situations for the payment to be made:

  • in professional activity (the heirs of a civil servant registered with Pôle emploi will not be able to apply for capital);
  • on secondment ;
  • on availability for health reasons;
  • under the flags.

Beneficiaries of a civil servant’s death benefit

The capital paid for a deceased civil servant is not for everyone. Clearly, the official is not in a position to determine who will be his heirs or to favor a particular heir. The death benefit is paid according to the family situation of the deceased.


The deceased has children. If he is married or in a civil partnership, the capital is paid as follows:

  • 1/3 to the non-separated spouse or PACS partner for at least 2 years;
  • 2/3 to the civil servant’s children if they are under 21 or disabled on the day of death and if they are not subject to income tax.

The deceased has children. If he is neither married nor in a PACS, the capital is paid to the children if they are under 21 or disabled on the day of death and if they are not subject to income tax.

The deceased has no children. If he is married or in a civil partnership, it is the spouse who receives the full death benefit of the civil servant.

The deceased has no children and is not married or in a PACS. In this case, the capital is paid to the ascendants dependent on the official at the time of death if they are not subject to income tax.

The amount of the death benefit of a civil servant

The capital amount is different according to the year of the employee’s death et his function.

For a death in 2021 :

  • for a tenured civil servant at the time of death, the amount of the capital corresponds to his last gross annual remuneration + his ancillary allowances;
  • for a tenured civil servant over 62 years of age before retirement, the amount of capital paid is equal to a quarter of the last gross annual salary;
  • for a person who is not a holder of the State or of a public authority affiliated to IRCANTEC, the capital corresponds to the gain received during the last 12 months;
  • if the deceased was a soldier, the death benefit corresponds to the last gross annual salary. If he was over 62, the amount corresponds to a quarter of this remuneration.

For a death before 2021 :

  • if the death occurs after the minimum retirement age, the capital is €3,475.48;
  • if the death occurs before the minimum retirement age, the capital is €13,888. The children receive a supplement of €8,336.36 each. The capital can reach 12 times the amount of the last gross monthly salary if the death is the result of a service accident or an occupational disease.

The beneficiaries must take steps with the employer of the deceased. They will be sent a list of supporting documents to provide to prove their right to receive this death benefit. This may be the family record book, death certificate, civil solidarity pact, birth certificate extract, etc.


And why not take out other contracts for your loved ones?

It is not because you are a civil servant and that capital can be paid to your loved ones in the event of premature death that you should not take out other contracts. In effect, today there is a wide variety of provident contracts to ensure the future of your loved ones financially. If the civil servant’s death benefit and a possible survivor’s pension make it possible to improve daily life, it is possible to do much better.

Life insurance: what is it?

The death insurance is insurance contract which provides for the payment of the death benefit in the form of capitalin one go or in the form of an annuity, to one or more beneficiaries. The annuity may be an education annuity for the subscriber’s children.

This insurance consists of build up capital for your loved ones in the event of premature death or simply to ensure that a guaranteed capital will be paid to your designated beneficiaries.

There are different types of death insurance:

  • l’classic death insurancewhich allows the payment of capital or an annuity following accidental death or death caused by illness;
  • l’all-cause death insurancewhich intervenes even in the event of suicide;
  • l’temporary death insurance, which is non-refundable insurance. If the risk (death) does not materialize before the end of the contract, the capital is never paid;
  • l’whole life death insurance. This time, the capital in the event of death is guaranteed.

Options allow you to be protected in the event of disability and to receive a lump sum or an annuity if you can no longer meet your needs.


life insurance

L’life insurance is a different contract which consists in building up capital and making your savings grow on funds in euros or units of account. If this solution allowsoptimize the estate by paying tax-optimized capitalit also allows benefit from a capital in case of needthe funds paid into a life insurance contract are permanently available.

Funeral insurance

This time, you subscribe to a contract whose beneficiary will be the funeral company. It is so different from a death insurance contract which allows you to choose the beneficiaries of the death benefit. This simply applies: funeral insurance, as its name suggests, only allows fund funeral expenses. The capital is subscribed according to the amount of the funeral expenses to allow the surviving spouse or the heirs not to be financially impacted.

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