Levon Hampartzumyan STAFF: Nova
Inflation works in favor of borrowers because it effectively reduces the share of the monthly installment in monthly expenses. This was said in the studio of “Hello Bulgaria” on Nova TV by the former head of Unicredit Bulbank Levon Hampartzumyan.
However, for mortgages, there are tools to make the monthly installments bearable when interest rates go up. In Switzerland, for example, mortgages are 100 years old and inheritable, he said.
We are entering difficult times, Hampartzoumian concluded. In the last ten years the ratio of loans to deposits was in favor of deposits, they are more.
There is a lot of experience gained in other countries since the entry of the euro, and this suggestion that there will be rounding up is not true. Even if there is such a thing, it will last only two months and the traders who do it will soon find out that it is not working, said in the studio the financier Emil Harsev.