Advice, ideas, tourist information and weather forecasts for Nîmes.
Here are our weather forecast for the city of Nîmes for today and tomorrow. The mercury will display values between 11°C for the minimum and 19°C maximum. The day will officially start at 06:52 in Nîmes.
The weather will be very cloudy and well overcast in the morning. It will be cool (15°). A breeze from East-South-East will blow at an average speed of 13km/h.
During the day, you will feel many drops of rain as the showers pass. It will be good (16° Celsius).
It will rain in the evening. It won’t be hot with a little 13 degrees.
Tonight, the sunset will arrive at 8:32 p.m., marking the end of the day.
Tomorrow at the start of the day, the sky will be overcast and grey. It will be cool (15°C). Expect a 13km/h breeze blowing north. Sunrise time tomorrow in Nimes: 06:50.
in the afternoon, the weather will remain cloudy. It will be an acceptable temperature, 18°C.
The 15 day weather forecast for Nimes is available on our weather site. You can consult the weather in the department (Gard).