workers provide theirchildren with the care ofIt’s a federal billtry to fight the violenceyork.peter ortega tells us aboutthe initiative, presented atfew days that the governmentof joe biden will announce newregulations on this type ofarmas.peter: the congressman from the bronxricky torres introduces abill in Congress,allowed victims and theirrelatives in a shooting wherehugo involves a gunghost suingagainst the manufacturers ofparts of those weapons and those whothey market can also present asue the government againyork.>> there has been an explosion ofghost guns in the streetsof new york, especially inthe bronx.peter: this happens, afterthat the president bidenannounce a rule that changedthe federal definition of a weaponof fire to include theunfinished parts of these,which were subjected tobackground noticesand serial number requirements>> the ghost gunspose a threatespecially for the safety ofchildren and adolescents.peter: last friday, one16 year old high school studentyears became one of themost recent victims who havekilled by bullets from a gunghost in the bronxteenagers.>> they cannot go to a park toplay, because there are children whothey have guns, why!How is it that they have theirpistols.I have three children, II say, God bless you,I am careful.if you see something, run.peter: the bronx is one of theareas of the city thathistorically they have seen wingsof this 22 until 10April, there have been 116county shootings.a 32% increase withcompared to the same period of the yearabove, where they were produced88 shootings.the seizure of weaponsghost by policenew york has seen a greatrise in recent 2018, 17 2019.7 counts and 2021.3 tapes 75.until April 6 this year,