District Administrator Tamara Bischof and Kitzingen’s Lord Mayor Stefan Güntner accepted a symbolic donation check for Ukraine aid projects in the city and district of Kitzingen. During a visit to the district office in Kitzingen, Savings Bank regional director Heiko Därr and advice center manager Christian Blachnik paid tribute to the commitment in the region to people who seek refuge from the war here. This emerges from a press release from the Sparkasse Mainfranken.
The Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg is providing a total of 20,000 euros to support refugees from the Ukraine. With the donation from the PS-purpose income, the various aid projects of the city of Würzburg and the districts of Würzburg, Kitzingen and Main-Spessart are each supported with 5000 euros.
Anyone who would also like to donate to the Ukraine aid projects in the region can find the various donation accounts on the Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg website: www.sparkasse-mainfranken.de/ukraine#spender